8:30 - 13:00 * Registration (St. Raphael Resort) |
9:00 10:30 * Room : Megaron B |
Session H1 (eHPWAS -- H1) (25 min per paper including 10 min of questions)
Session Chair: Tayeb Lemlouma
Christoph Thuemmler; Claudia Rolffs; Gerhard Hindricks; William J Buchanan; Andreas Bollmann
Requirements for 5G based telemetric cardiac monitoring
Markos Tsipouras; Nikolaos Giannakeas; Thomas Tegou; Ilias Kalamaras; Konstantinos Votis; Dimitrios Tzovaras
Assessing the Frailty of Older People using Bluetooth Beacons Data
Franca Delmastro; Cristina Dolciotti; Filippo Palumbo; Massimo Magrini; Flavio Di Martino; Davide La Rosa; Umberto Barcaro
Long-term care: how to improve the quality of life with mobile and e-health services
Heini Utunen; Paula Christen; Gaya Gamhewage; Ursula Zhao; Melissa Attias
Knowledge transfer for Ebola outbreak - production and use of OpenWHO.org online learning resources
10:30 - 11:00 * Coffee Break
11:00 12:30 * Room : Megaron B |
Session H2 (eHPWAS -- H2) (25 min per paper including 10 min of questions)
Session Chair: Tayeb Lemlouma
Muhammad Taimoor Khan; Dimitrios Serpanos; Howard Shrobe
Highly Assured Safety and Security of e-Health Applications
Junqi Zhao; Esther Obonyo
E-health of Construction Works: A Proactive Injury Prevention Approach
José Manuel Negrete Ramírez; Philippe Roose; Marc Dalmau; Yudith C. Cardinale
An event detection framework for the representation of the AGGIR variables
12:30 - 14:00 * Lunch
14:00 15:30 * Room : Megaron G |
Session C2+H3 (eHPWAS -- H3 with CWN'18) (25 min per paper including 10 min of questions)
Nikos Koutsouris; Pavlos Kosmides; Konstantinos Demestichas; Evgenia Adamopoulou; Katerina Giannakopoulou; Vanessa De Luca
InLife: a platform enabling the exploitation of IoT and gamification in healthcare
Alexander Münzberg; Janina Sauer; Andreas Hein; Norbert Rösch
The use of ETL and data profiling to integrate data and improve quality in food databases
19:00 * Welcome Cocktail |